Monday, May 5, 2008

Today's Plan

I was thinking last night about how I have a good plan but then I got off track. So I am going to start posting my menu for the day to see how it works for me it might help me out, it might not but I fiqure its worth a shot. My goal for today is 3 liters of water and I am going to do weights, crunches, squats for excerise today. Here is my menu plan

B-Oatmeal & Banana-2
Snack-Strawberries and Plum-0.5

Chesse Nips-2
Veggies and dip-1


I am not sure yet but I will have 13 points left for dinner and a snack.

Well I don't have much to report else that is going on, I am just hoping the weather gets better and the week goes by fast.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your plan is looking great from here! Nice idea about posting what your plan is for the day eating and exercise wise. I usually do it for my exercise but really have kind have been laid back with the food part. Maybe I should look in to doing that when I get back. Yes... I am going. :) Flights are all booked. Yeah!