Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Still Moving

I did the 15 mintue kickboxing dvd last night and 100 crunches. I am feeling really good today, but stepped on the scale and it says I am up 3lbs from last week WTF. I work my ass off and its just not coming off. I am really getting frustrated at this point, I don't know what to do. I am thinking of not using my flex at all this weekend to see if it helps. Once I am at goal again I know I will need my flex points so I don't want my body to get used not having the flex I am just not sure what to do. Tonight since its still raining the plan is to do 20 mintue Biggest Loser cardio max, some hand weights for my arms and 100 crunches. Hopefully my weight will be back down for weigh in on friday.

1 comment:

Canela said...

Hey Tanya,

Have you re-measured yourself recently? With all the exercise you are doing, the scale may be lying to you! Since muscle weighs more than fat, often people who are losing weight with consistent exercise see results in their measurements first. :)