Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Getting there

I am sick feeling a bit sick but not as bad. I ended up living work early yesterday because by the afternoon I was so sick I was almost throwing up. I did mange to have a porkchop and some crackers for dinner so that is good. This moring I woke up a bit sick to my stomach so I had some crackers for breakfast and I am feeling okay now. I down one liter already of water already so that is good. I think if I stay the same this week I will be happy. Tonight we have to mail some packages to New Zealand for Battery's mom and family. We are going to send them by boat but still hoping that they don't cost too much. Also I found these really cute Ugg boots on ebay I am thinking of getting them but worried about them fitting over my calfs. The person told me they are 37 cms so I guess I need measure my leg, but I don't have a tape measure. Here is a picture of them what do you all think

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like the boots! They look mighty comfy!!! :)

You are really having a time shaking things off with being sick... I sure hope things get better here... soon! :)