Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Day Two

So I didn't work out at all yesterday. I was so sore still from my workout on Sunday that I took a rest day. I don't think I would have made it through longer than 5 mintues of excerise. So tonight I am going to head to the track and I am planning on walking a lap, then jogging one, then walking, jogging one and then one more walking. I am also going to do some weights. I really want to get in shape for the summer. I am pretty good at eating well during the week, its the weekends where I need help. I have a problem of just wanting to eat anything and everything in sight. I am going back to trying not to eat chips again. I am going to try go for healither choices popcorn or rice cakes.


Anonymous said...

You can do it! :)

I've been doing weights for just over 2 weeks now and feeling pretty awesome about it. I've never done them before consistently, and it's a great way to tone up and lose inches.

Have you tried Crispy Minis? I loooove them. My favourite is Sour Cream & Chive. I'm not a chip person, but I love anything sweet.

Unknown said...

Heh! Great plan with the jog one walk one! Sounds pretty good. :)

No worries about the dog thing :S, no offense taken what so ever! :) Realistically, how many people have a pet rat and get upset about it - I am one of few... :)

Good for listening to your body and taking the break you need! Not too many people do that and suffer more later.
