Friday, April 25, 2008

Last Night

It was my grandparents 60th Anniversary last night, so we went out for dinner. I tried to take them somewhere nice but they wanted to go to Denny's. As you all know Denny's on weight watchers isn't excatly fun, I couldn't find anything for 12 points which is what I left. So anyways I ordered steak and potatos with salad. I weighed myself this morning I was 176.6, I have been this much in 2 years. I am hoping it was a false weighin but it came me the kick in the ass I needed. No more screwing around I am getting this weight off for good no matter what. No big plans for the weekend, Battery is working tomorrow, so I am going to take my granparents grocerry shopping. I am going to the dentist after work for my cleaning not looking forward to that but hopefully it will be last for at least 6 months. I hope everyone has a great day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sorry things did not go so well on the scale this morning. :( I truly do feel for you. Just to let you know for future reference, the steak was probably full of sodium and it is mostly water retention. Drink more water than usual and that really helps things flush out (I am sure you already know this). :) The other thing is when we go to Denny's, I always order the breakfast stuff that is either low carb, low fat, or such, depending on how I feel. If I order a dinner, I usually ask for a replacement on some things also. Your dinner was not the worst thing you could have had there and that is a great thing that you chose something along the healthy end - have to find positives in it. :)

Glad to see you have some Mojo back and ready to kick the scales butt again! :)

Have a great weekend! :)