Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Doing my best

Last day two days have been really good for staying op and eating well. As for excerising that hasn't happened. Yesterday we got home late, then by the time we made dinner, there wasn't much time for anything else. Today I only did a quick less than 10 mintue workout, I had time since I got home early. But I was just feeling lazy and tired. Bad on my behalf. But at least I am eating well and drinking lots of water. tomorrow is a new day and I will workout as soon as I get home from work. I have to make time for it now. My goal for when we leave to Hawaii is to be at 165. Then get back to my weight watchers goal of 162. My personal goal is 155-158. I have never able to get that low and stay there so I would really love to. I really want to tone up so I look good in my bathing suit in Hawaii. I have been on too many vacation were I have felt uncomfortable, don't want that to happen this time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you!!! :)

A Hawaiian vacation is definitely a motivation to get going with everything and as you said it is one day at a time. You will get there. I really like how you have broke it all down for goals. I makes it much easier to look at.

Take care!