Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I am so tired today. I had a crappy sleep Sunday night, an okay one Monday night. Then last night I was awake until almost 2 and I was up at 6. So I got about 4 hours of sleep. DH and I were arguing last night. He keeps talking about school and then putting it off. Frankly I think the sooner he goes back the better rather than waiting but he disagrees, so we got into a big fight over it. He says I am nagging, I say I am just trying to help and figure if this what he really wants to do why put it off. Plus the longer he waits the longer we are stuck living with my parents. Who are driving me crazy I want me own place. I am just really frustrated right now.....Sorry for the blog venting but I need it. Good news I am doing good with the eating and working out today. I have a working lunch today and we are going for Thai food but I have planned ahead and according to my tracking I will be right on points for today.

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